A downloadable game for Windows

A volcano eruputs in the middle of antartica and demons come out of it,
as the final penguin on antartica it is your duty to bunish the demons, good luck.

There are 3 bosses.

WASD or Arrows or xbox joystick to move,
Space bar or A on xbox conroller to roll,
E or Y on xbox controller to: Interact / pick item / talk to npc / exchange.
Mouse to choose where to attack and attack using left click.
X in controller to attack (aim with the joystick)
The game only supports Keyboard and mouse or Xbox controller.

once you hit the boss enough a heart will apear above the boss head indicating to you that your ability is charged,
press the E or Y on Controller to use it,
it will take one heart from the player and make the boss tiny and run away for a short duration.


PenguinGameGameJamBuild.zip 32 MB

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